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How to Calculate The Differential Pressure of Sintered Wire Mesh Filter

Sintered wire mesh filter

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The differential pressure of a sintered wire mesh filter can be calculated using the following formula:

ΔP = (K × μ × L × Q^2) / (d^4 × ρ)

  • ΔP = Differential pressure in Pascal (Pa)
  • K = Resistance coefficient of the filter
  • μ = Dynamic viscosity of the fluid in Pascal-second (Pa·s)
  • L = Length of the filter in meters (m)
  • Q = Volume flow rate of the fluid in cubic meters per second (m^3/s)
  • d = Diameter of the wire in meters (m)
  • ρ = Density of the fluid in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m^3)

Note: The resistance coefficient (K) can be obtained from the manufacturer’s data sheet or by conducting a pressure drop test using a reference fluid. The dynamic viscosity (μ) and density (ρ) of the fluid can be obtained from the fluid properties table or by conducting a viscosity and density test. The length (L), volume flow rate (Q), and diameter (d) of the filter can be measured experimentally.



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